The adventures of Bean continues...The Lovecraftian creature is an interesting touch.
The adventures of Bean continues...The Lovecraftian creature is an interesting touch.
Well now, haven't run across your art yet and glad I did. Love the look and colors :)
Thank you, it means a lot ^^
Holy heck that is huge XD You can see the textures perfectly, at least! I really like this. her expression as well as skin tone stand out from the somber, reddish-brown of the rest.
Thank you, I appreciate it!
It's a boy by the way, but he's very androgynous so I understand why you saw otherwise lol.
Huh, now that's a nice take on depictions on the tarot cards. Carries everything it needs while scifi :)
Thanks a lot ! :)
Chocobo's Dungeon with the addition of Vivi. That'd be lovely. Great work here, brings me back~
Almost mandatory setup in Japanese horror, but gives know what? Nevermind lol! Amazing lighting and shadow
Love the look of this!
I can see why. The lighting and colors are perfect
Thank you ^^.
Holly Molly, thou art good!
Just be sure to post your finished pieces for the portal (main art page) and your sketches will be placed elsewhere (you should see the difference when submitting). Other than that, good job! Interesting style, fits the weird chibi bodies of VII well haha
Only after four posts can I or someone else recommend you to submit to the Art Portal openly, so hope to see more soon!
Thank you so much for the advice! <3
Age 37, Male
Artist, writer
United States
Joined on 3/15/15